Wandering around Florence you always have wonderful surprises !!!
This time the surprise has a name that intrigues us:
Farollo & Falpalà.
It is a beautiful library for children and teenagers .. but in reality any definition would be reductive for a place like this !!!
Already from the outside you can glimpse a warm, welcoming environment and you can feel a meticulous attention to detail ... in short, you already understand that crossing the threshold you will enter a magical world !!

And in fact the feeling isn't wrong at all.
Falpalà welcomes me with a smile and presents me with soft toys for the little ones ... who would want to sit on the tiny red seats in the room and become little ones for a few hours ..
Then Farollo introduces me to the fantastic universe of illustrated publishing: how wonderful, how much poetry and above all how much fullness of messages and contents in a few pages written with huge fonts!
It doesn't happen to adults to believe that children's books can keep such important messages !!!!
The colors are warm and the bookcase has a hushed atmosphere that stops time; there Coffee bar it makes me feel a little at home and makes me want to relax on the green sofa and dive into reading and games.
More hidden is the Giant Theater of the Little ones a small hidden room where workshops, English courses, performances and so on come to life ..
And then the fantastic guests introduce me to their whole world:
Farollo e Falpalà is a real cultural oasis for the Q4 district, afternoon readings, games organized by age groups, events for parents and especially for new mothers, theme days and then parties of all kinds !!!!
The initiatives are many and make the calendar intense and full of commitments to share.
Below we propose the link of their site to be able to participate in this magical world and to take advantage of all the interesting moments that they suggest: www.farolloefalpala.it
Hula Shop has fallen in love with this world that we recommend for the children of Florence, but we are sure and hopeful that every city can hide such treasures ...
Follow their proposals also on their page Facebook... and don't miss one !!!
We will meet again soon .. with the News of
Hula Blog
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